happiness | collective's 2016 playlist

This week I thought I'd change things up and share some of my favorite songs. These songs just make me feel good, all for very different reasons. I facilitate an entire group focused on how music can affect your mood, because it's a powerful tool. Hope you discover some new songs, and are reminded of the greatness of some of these old songs. Let me know which is your or if you have any favorites that aren't on this list. I love discovering new music!!!

Below is the Happiness | Collective playlist for 2016:

  1. First-Cold War Kids
  2. Amsterdam-Gregory Alan Isakov
  3. 10,000 Emerald Pools-BORNS
  4. Sexual-Neiked
  5. Mexico-James Taylor
  6. Waited 4 U (ODESZA Remix)- Slow Magic
  7. The Idea of Growing Old-The Features
  8. Lake Michigan-Rogue Wave
  9. Young Blood-Birdy
  10. Diamonds on The Soles of her Shoes-Paul Simon

Music affects our spirit. That's why we love it so much, it makes us feel an entire range of emotions. It can bring us up, or it can bring us down, make us contemplate the meaning of life, or just want to dance.  Sometimes, when I need an emotional release, I use music to help take me to the edge so I can have a good cry. Sometimes, I use music to pump me up, or break me out of my emotional funk. Point is, it's powerful. Use it wisely : ) Enjoy the playlist. Happy weekend.