easy popcorn recipe following the rule of 3's

Perkin and I are on a popcorn kick lately. We were buying bags of it from Whole Foods multiple times a week. But found that added up quite quickly! My yoga teacher shared this recipe with me a few weeks back.  She swore by it, saying she had never made a bad batch of popcorn since using this recipe. I gotta say, I was skeptical at first but she was right. Perfect popcorn every single time. The recipe is so simple too! Just remember the number "3" and you will get it right. Popping our own popcorn has saved us so much money. Our go to bag cost $4, while this is a few cents a serving! Plus making our own gives us better control over the ingredients used. You can put any kind of seasoning on top. 


  • 1/3 cup organic non gmo popcorn kernels
  • 3 tablespoons unrefined coconut oil
  • A pinch of salt
  • Seasoning of your choice


  • Heat up oil in a 3 quart pot
  • Drop in 3 kernels and cover
  • Once the kernels are popped, take the pot off the heat and pour the rest of the kernels in
  • Move the pot and kernels around for about 30 seconds
  • Place back on heat and cover pot
  • Listen for popping, once the noise starts to die down or there are a few seconds between pops, take it off
  • Let it cool, add salt and seasoning of choice
  • Enjoy! 

We love to add a drizzle of flax oil and nutritional yeast as a seasoning after the popcorn has popped. You can usually find nutritional yeast in the bulk bin section of your health food stores, and this ingredient is often used in vegan recipes to add more flavor. I suppose you could also add paprika, chili powder, or pepper to your popcorn as well. Let us know what you like to top your popcorn with!