Simple Pleasure of the Week: A Self-Care Day

An entire day devoted to taking care of yourself is this week's simple pleasure. Matt and I recently celebrated our anniversary with a couple's massage at a local spa. We started the morning with a yoga class, then had some breakfast and walked over to the spa. Spent the rest of the evening lounging in chairs, sitting in the sauna or hot tubs, and watching the sunset. I got to spend quality connecting time with my favorite person on the planet. It was the best day. I know a spa day is not in everyone's budget, but you don't need money to enjoy this simple pleasure. The luxury of a self-care day is more in the space created by it and the intention behind it. An at-home mani/pedi, with a bubble bath, heated shoulder wrap, long meditation, followed by a glass of wine, and your favorite movie sounds pretty awesome to me! Your self-care day might include a walk in nature like mine normally would, maybe a green juice just to sweeten the deal. I know it's hard to take an entire day off just for yourself, but it's so lovely when you can. Hope you all get at least an hour this weekend just for yourself. Happy Weekend!