35 Self-Care Activities to get you through the holidays
Holidays are just so busy. When we get busy, self-care is often the first to get cut from our daily routines. It's one week away from Christmas and I've noticed that already the yoga classes are significantly smaller. Suicide rates increase around the holidays along with stress levels. So interestingly, the holiday season is a time when we need our self-care the most, and as a society practice it the least. Holidays bring up emotional stuff related to family issues, relationship conflicts, financial insecurities, you name it. Holidays and weddings intensify everything that is good and bad. I know you're all short on time but do care for yourself mind body & spirit! Below I've compiled a list of self-care activities to get you through the holiday season:
- Brew some tea and take time out to savor it
- Light some incense
- Shower by candlelight
- Take a night off from electronics
- Get out in nature
- Smudge your home
- Send yourself love with eyes closed and hands on heart
- Put on your favorite song and sing along in the car
- Dance in your livingroom
- Do a self massage atop a tennis or lacrosse ball
- Read inspiring quotes
- Watch inspiring YouTube videos
- Make a gratitude list
- Deep Breathing for 3 minutes (or longer but c'mon everyone has 3 min)
- Wheatgrass shots, or ginger juice shots, or turmeric juice shots.
- Journal
- Go to a yoga class
- Meditate (insight timer is my fav app to use)
- Literally just stand up, forward fold hold your elbows. Breathe.
- Diffuse essential oils in your home. Lavender is always a good idea
- Bubble bath with candles
- Tell someone how much you love them
- Go on a long walk
- Beachcombing
- Sit by a fire without electronic devices
- Get creative (art, diy, crafts)
- Do a face mask (you know, the clay, kind)
- Mani/Pedi
- Meet a friend for lunch or a green juice, or a yoga class, or coffee, or all of the above
- Put your PJ's in the dryer for a few minutes before changing into them
- Child's pose
- Cloud gazing
- Stargazing
- Make a mantra for the day and say it to yourself every hour
- Step away from it all. Keep it simple. Holidays are about love not things.