Simple Pleasure of the Week: Games with Friends

I've been reflecting more lately, about how almost everything costs money. Meals out at restaurants, spa days, movie theaters, shopping, it all costs money. I often find myself browsing online shops when I'm bored and wonder, where did all the good clean fun go? I used to love to color, draw, talk on the phone with friends, go hiking and camping, playing hide and seek outside until dinnertime. It's now that I need simple pleasures more than ever. Remember when we were younger and we got to hang out with friends all day everyday? Remember recess? I spent recess mostly at the tetherball and foursquare courts, playing games with friends. Later, I played soccer on club teams, and sports in high school. That was fun. Playing games with friends, outside, moving your body is such a simple pleasure, one we grew up with, something that's in our blood, and yet something we rarely do these days. Matt and I were recently invited out to golf with friends. We all shared a set of clubs, talked throughout the game, and didn't take it too seriously. It was such a simple pleasure. Games outside with friends, around the world or a game of pig on the basketball court, board games, card games, it's all fun with the right people and for this reason, games with friends is this week's simple pleasure.