True Happiness is...
True happiness happens in the small moments of gratitude, as we sip our cup of coffee in the morning or cuddle with our kids. True happiness doesn’t come from fancy belongings, the newest electronics, or more stuff. It radiates when we practice loving those we hold dear all the while knowing that we are loved too. True happiness comes from the journey, the moment we step off a plane in a foreign land we’ve been itching to explore, or running through sprinklers on a hot day. It comes rushing up when we meet an old friend for lunch, or watch a sunset, make pancakes on a weekend morning, slip our feet into cozy socks on a cold day, or return home from work to a loving pet. True happiness comes from all of life’s little pleasures, the ones that are there for everyone to enjoy. The reason we’ve had our simple posts up every other Friday for as long as I can remember is because it’s really the little things in life that are the most important. And in a consumer society, geared towards selling us all something, including a lifestyle, it can be hard to remember this. Even I, sometimes find myself forgetting. So please, go out this weekend and enjoy something simple but wonderful, something that doesn’t cost a lot of money. Revel in the experience, be present, love someone, love yourself, and have a happy weekend! : )