Stop trying to get what you want (law of attraction)

In law of attraction our emotional vibrational energy attracts more experiences to match with that emotional vibrational energy. Thus, when we want something with that “wanting” feeling, what we are actually attracting is more deficit, more wanting, more of the circumstances where we don’t have that thing we’ve been desiring. It’s a funny thing that way, because the more we want something, the more we put out energy that is aligned with the not having it.

So how do we work towards what we want without putting out that wanting feeling since desire is often the precursor to goals? When you really want something, it’s so difficult not to think about it, want it, hope for it, feel in lack of it, but the more you do this, the farther away from you your desire will become. Below are two steps which might help you to get out of the “wanting” phase of your desire and into the “attracting” phase:

  1. First step is to utilize creative visualization. Imagine that you have the thing you want. What are all of the ingredients associated with that goal that are missing from your life right now? For example if you want to have a lot of money. You might visualize yourself looking at your large bank statement, feeling proud, secure, relaxed, etc. If you want to attract a romantic relationship you might visualize all of the specifics of this ideal relationship, what you would do together, the social dynamic, and you might imagine yourself feeling fulfilled, loved, and secure.

  2. Next, find a way to provide those feelings associated with your desire into your present life. For example if having money was associated with feeling relaxed, can you begin to adopt a more relaxed attitude now? Maybe you need to create a plan of action for minimizing debt so that you can begin to feel as though you’re moving forward financially, or find another source of income no matter how small. If having money was associated with feeling proud, can you begin to focus on the accomplishments you’ve made and the aspects of your character that you’re proud of right now? If you want to attract an ideal romantic relationship, perhaps you begin to focus on and feel grateful for your friends, spending more time feeling fulfilled by the other relationships in your life.

All desire is associated with some type of emotional pay-off. We don’t really want the new car for the car’s sake. What we want is the feeling we think that car will give us. We might think the car will make others finally see how valuable we are, or how accomplished we are. We might think the car will be a lot of fun to drive, or make us feel proud of our accomplishments, give us a greater sense of ease as a mother, or a sense of security if our current car tends to break down. Whatever that feeling is, it’s not dependent on the object of your desire. You can provide that feeling for yourself in another way. The key is to begin to cultivate that feeling, and provide that emotional desire for yourself now in the present moment. If you can do this, you will be more energetically and vibrationally aligned with your desire. When you are moping and hoping and wishing, you are not aligned with your desire because the emotion you are putting out is actually the opposite of the emotions associated with your desire. So, stop “trying” to get what you want. Continue to put forth the work necessary to get you to your goals, but relax, enjoy the journey, make yourself happy and fulfilled now, emotionally align with what you are wanting and the journey may become faster.