Posts tagged self help
Lessons in surrender

More and more I feel like I’m beginning to understand the inevitability of change on a deeper, soul level. There are some lessons in life which you must experience and feel in order to understand. We can hear something repeatedly but it takes root when we come to experience it. Change is one of these life lessons. There are all these cliched sayings about it such as “the only thing constant is change”. But it’s true. Change is

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9 Principles for a healthy relationship with the self

I was reviewing an old post on 9 principles for healthy relationships and I thought how nice it would be to write a post on principles for healthy relationships with the self. Some of the principles overlap and some are unique when you are building a relationship with the self. Right now, more than ever, our relationship with our Self is so important. We have less distractions to turn to, and thus our relationship with our Self is

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8 Ways to connect with the Self

Now, more than ever, it’s apparent how important that relationship is that we have with our Self. Right now, we have less distractions, less entertainment. We have more time with ourselves than we may have ever had. It’s a perfect opportunity to cultivate the relationship with the Self, and to strengthen the connection you have with your intuition. Below are a few ideas on how to connect with the self:

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Surviving COVID-19 mind body and spirit

What is fear? Fear pops up in order to protect us. It’s our own confirmation that we matter to ourselves. The problem is that sometimes fear, though well intentioned, goes too far and becomes destructive. Sometimes we get too lost in the fear that it does more harm than good, and often fear pops up around things that we don’t have control over, thus wasting energy and worrying us needlessly. Fear can be good.

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Coronavirus thoughts

I’m sure you all have been reading plenty on COVID-19 including reactions, policies, new findings, and updates. Everything has happened so quickly with this, more quickly than I think anyone could predict, and it all feel surreal. As I write this, our county has issued a shelter-in-place order effective at midnight, meaning that we can only leave our homes for essential activities. No shopping for pleasure, no haircuts or

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Weekend Inspo

This is so true! When I was younger I was much more self-righteous. I thought I knew the “right” way to live. My reasoning seemed so logical in my own head that I failed to realize how everyone has their own path. What’s right for one person, might not be the right fit for another. Just as there are many modes of transportation, there are many roads on the way to a happy and fulfilling life. Don’t be afraid to march to the

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10 tips for better sleep

I am typically a great sleeper. Once I fall asleep, I typically stay asleep until morning and wake up feeling recharged and refreshed. In college I was always the first one to fall asleep during movie nights, wrapped in my blanket. Last night, however I had a rough night. I woke up for almost 3 hours in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep. This is out of the norm for me, and my hope is that tonight I’ll get a

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8 more things that are truly a waste of time

There are so many things that we do, myself included, that are a waste of time. I worry about things I have no control over and I’m a people pleaser by nature. I’ve also come to realize that both of these habits are mainly a waste of time and energy. This post is a continuation of the 7 things that are a waste of time. See the first part here. Interestingly, after I’d finished this list, I realized the majority of items below relate to

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3 mistakes to avoid when setting goals

Changes are hard to make. By definition, a change is out of your norm and thus out of your comfort zone. Changes fall out of our normal behavioral patterns and thus take extra energy to make. Some changes are harder than others, but the truth is that all changes are harder than continuing to do what we’ve been doing, what feels comfortable, and what has become automatic. I literally work with patients all day,

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13 types of rest

We all need to rest. Luckily, there are many ways to rest, and knowing which type of rest you need is important. Sometimes I need to laugh, sometimes I need quiet, or time out in nature, whereas other times I just want to be taken care of or pampered. Just as there are many ways we can be drained of our energy, there are many ways we can be recharged. Make sure you have at least one type of rest each day for

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