Posts tagged quote
Weekend Inspo

This is a lesson that is sometimes hard to remember in the moment. Often, when obstacles occur our natural reaction is to become upset, to feel like the victim, to wonder “why me” (or at least that’s my natural reaction). The obstacle in the path becomes your path, even if only momentarily. The lessons are in the obstacles. The growing is in the obstacles. We learn more from our failures, adversities, and challenges than we do from the things that just go smoothly. Happy Weekend!

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Weekend Inspo

It’s true. Revolutions can happen anytime, multiple times. In fact, we can have mini revolutions that add up to one big revolution. We can have internal revolutions, within ourselves in which we fight an internal battle and experience personal change. We can have political and spiritual revolutions internally and on a mass scale like we are experiencing right now. Revolution is exciting, and promising, and also can feel chaotic in the

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Weekend Inspo

Thank goodness the trees don’t have human consciousness, or they would go through a variety of fears, and insecurities, as they lost their leaves. Nature can be an amazing teacher. All of nature goes through change and transformation. Naturally there are periods of darkness in nature, where night literally brings darkness, or winter promotes hibernation. However, because nature doesn’t have 

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Happy Weekend!

Things truly are best when they’re shared. The meaningful experiences and joys in life would not be as meaningful if we had nobody to share them with. I would argue that if we lived in total isolation, nothing would be meaningful. The shared experiences we have with others is what gives our life meaning. Life is about creating and living experiences that are worth sharing. Happy Weekend!

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Weekend Inspo

Make your heart the most beautiful thing about you. Be kind. Spread love. Choose how you want to react. Our hearts and our minds are just about the only things we can control. We can control our reactions. We can control how we treat people and whether we spread joy or sorrow. Make your heart the most beautiful thing about you. Happy Weekend!

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Weekend Inspo

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. This is a good reminder whenever we are scared, or worried, or overwhelmed, or suffering. Yes, the world is full of suffering, but just as much as it’s full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of suffering. It’s full of joy, triumph, love, growth, and success. It’s too easy to focus on the negative and forget that for every struggle, there’s also

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Weekend Inspo

This quote couldn’t be more true. We need balance always in life. We need movement and we need stillness and each serves its purpose. Health is often about maintaining balance in the body, mind and spirit, and thus it makes sense that the methods we’d use to bring about health would also be based on balance. Too often I work with patients who have fallen too far in either direction. Some have embraced

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Weekend Inspo

This is so true! When I was younger I was much more self-righteous. I thought I knew the “right” way to live. My reasoning seemed so logical in my own head that I failed to realize how everyone has their own path. What’s right for one person, might not be the right fit for another. Just as there are many modes of transportation, there are many roads on the way to a happy and fulfilling life. Don’t be afraid to march to the

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Weekend Inspo

Happiness is made up of rejoicing in the small, simple things, the pancake breakfast you had over the weekend, the colors of the sunset, the dinner you had with your family, cuddling with your pet, and good times spent with friends. The big moments take up so little of our lives and yet we all too often find ourselves living for those big moments. If you can recognize the magic in the smallest of things, you life becomes magic. Happy Weekend!

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Weekend Inspo

What we do means nothing when you take away everybody else. If we lived on a planet alone, so much of life would lose it’s meaning. All of our striving, and purpose and intention would essentially become meaningless. Life truly is about sharing what we create whether that’s about the Self we create through personal growth, the ideas we have to share with others, or life experiences we create. We need to share in

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