It’s true. Revolutions can happen anytime, multiple times. In fact, we can have mini revolutions that add up to one big revolution. We can have internal revolutions, within ourselves in which we fight an internal battle and experience personal change. We can have political and spiritual revolutions internally and on a mass scale like we are experiencing right now. Revolution is exciting, and promising, and also can feel chaotic in the
Read MoreMy blog has mainly focused on wellness, and inspiration. Though I have political opinions and a set of values I prescribe to, I typically don’t talk about them here. However with the current state of the country, the protests, the movement that’s happening right now, I also can’t pretend that it’s not happening or that it doesn’t matter. What affects others, affects us. We can’t be completely whole when our country isn’t. We can’t be completely
Read MoreI thought long and hard about what to write a post on. It seems impossible to ignore the issues our country is facing right now, and at the same time I also don’t know what to say (and maybe even think) about what’s going on with the all of the protests against police brutality, covert racism in the U.S, and inequality. This feels unprecedented. I can’t remember a time when I’ve seen this much unrest in our country and this much fight
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