More and more I feel like I’m beginning to understand the inevitability of change on a deeper, soul level. There are some lessons in life which you must experience and feel in order to understand. We can hear something repeatedly but it takes root when we come to experience it. Change is one of these life lessons. There are all these cliched sayings about it such as “the only thing constant is change”. But it’s true. Change is
Read MoreI thought long and hard about what to write a post on. It seems impossible to ignore the issues our country is facing right now, and at the same time I also don’t know what to say (and maybe even think) about what’s going on with the all of the protests against police brutality, covert racism in the U.S, and inequality. This feels unprecedented. I can’t remember a time when I’ve seen this much unrest in our country and this much fight
Read MoreOur paradigm is what creates our reality. We can perceive a glass as half full or half empty. Both perspectives would be technically correct but each perspective has very different implications on how we feel about our situations, and can thus illicit a chain of events that look drastically different. The person who sees the glass as half full might feel grateful, lucky, wealthy and thus be happier, feel more content with his life situation, or
Read MoreChange is really, simplified down, a two part process. Yes, you could break it into more steps but for the sake of simplicity let’s keep it at two. The two steps are as follows:
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