Posts tagged inspiration
Lessons in surrender

More and more I feel like I’m beginning to understand the inevitability of change on a deeper, soul level. There are some lessons in life which you must experience and feel in order to understand. We can hear something repeatedly but it takes root when we come to experience it. Change is one of these life lessons. There are all these cliched sayings about it such as “the only thing constant is change”. But it’s true. Change is

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Weekend Inspo

It’s true. Revolutions can happen anytime, multiple times. In fact, we can have mini revolutions that add up to one big revolution. We can have internal revolutions, within ourselves in which we fight an internal battle and experience personal change. We can have political and spiritual revolutions internally and on a mass scale like we are experiencing right now. Revolution is exciting, and promising, and also can feel chaotic in the

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Weekend Inspo

What we do today matters. Regardless of how small and insignificant you feel your actions are, they matter, and they can make a difference. We must always do the right thing because it’s the present moment that influences the future. Don’t ever forget how important the day is. Some days feel more important than others, but they are all significant. Happy Weekend!

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Weekend Inspo!

I do truly believe that we have more control than we realize over our reality. Even in tough times, we can choose to look at the good, or to look towards the solution. The words we speak and the thoughts we think, become the house we live in. They create our world. Happy Weekend!

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The importance of paradigm shifts for making life changes

Our paradigm is what creates our reality. We can perceive a glass as half full or half empty. Both perspectives would be technically correct but each perspective has very different implications on how we feel about our situations, and can thus illicit a chain of events that look drastically different. The person who sees the glass as half full might feel grateful, lucky, wealthy and thus be happier, feel more content with his life situation, or

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Simple pleasure of the week: the art of slow living

This is the time to learn the art of slow living. It’s never been easier to reduce the busyness, focus on what’s truly important, and spend your time in deep connection with whatever it is you’re doing and whoever it is you’re doing it with. The art of slow living is about cutting out all the excess that doesn’t really contribute to your quality of life. It’s about deepening the connection to what does contribute to your life, slowing down

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Happy Weekend!

Things truly are best when they’re shared. The meaningful experiences and joys in life would not be as meaningful if we had nobody to share them with. I would argue that if we lived in total isolation, nothing would be meaningful. The shared experiences we have with others is what gives our life meaning. Life is about creating and living experiences that are worth sharing. Happy Weekend!

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Simple pleasures during these times

Even though we are all sheltering in place, there are still so many simple pleasures to enjoy. Today we went for a long walk with the dog and Matt stopped along the way to get me a Thai iced tea. I drank my tea as we walked and it was such a lovely treat. It was a simple pleasure. It got me thinking about all the simple pleasures we can be enjoying right now like breaks from FOMO, naps, finding new movies and shows to

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Weekend Inspo

Make your heart the most beautiful thing about you. Be kind. Spread love. Choose how you want to react. Our hearts and our minds are just about the only things we can control. We can control our reactions. We can control how we treat people and whether we spread joy or sorrow. Make your heart the most beautiful thing about you. Happy Weekend!

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Simple pleasure of the week: connection

With COVID-19, and all of the mandatory restrictions that come along with it, everyone in this country is sharing a common experience. We are all affected. All of our lives have been altered in some incredibly impactful way. I find myself feeling more connected to others right now, even with this shelter-in-place order, not less. The stories I hear of others’ suffering feels almost personal because their stories could

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Weekend Inspo

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. This is a good reminder whenever we are scared, or worried, or overwhelmed, or suffering. Yes, the world is full of suffering, but just as much as it’s full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of suffering. It’s full of joy, triumph, love, growth, and success. It’s too easy to focus on the negative and forget that for every struggle, there’s also

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Simple pleasure of the week: daylight savings

This week’s simple pleasure was an easy one. If you’re not someone who likes the new time change, I’m sorry and how could you not? But if you are someone who enjoys daylight savings like myself, then you know exactly what I’m talking about when I say daylight savings is this week’s simple pleasure. It’s amazing how much difference an hour makes. This week I’ve been able to take walks after work with my husband and our

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