There’s really nothing better than taking off your mask after an errand or at the end of the day and feeling the cool rush of air against the part of your face that’s been covered and smothered by your breath. My coworker read me a joke about how taking of your mask is the new taking off your bra at the end of the day. Face masks certainly aren’t ideal, and the wearing of them has made me appreciate having a bare face. This simple
Read MoreEven though we are all sheltering in place, there are still so many simple pleasures to enjoy. Today we went for a long walk with the dog and Matt stopped along the way to get me a Thai iced tea. I drank my tea as we walked and it was such a lovely treat. It was a simple pleasure. It got me thinking about all the simple pleasures we can be enjoying right now like breaks from FOMO, naps, finding new movies and shows to
Read MoreWith all this shelter-in-place, work from home, and social distancing it can become easy to let go of your healthy routines. I know that Matt and I have definitely struggled to keep up our routines. We’ve found ourselves waking up later in the mornings, lounging around in pajamas longer than we care to admit, and foregoing our yoga practice, or at least reducing the amount of exercise we get. Isolation is already de-
Read MoreWith COVID-19, and all of the mandatory restrictions that come along with it, everyone in this country is sharing a common experience. We are all affected. All of our lives have been altered in some incredibly impactful way. I find myself feeling more connected to others right now, even with this shelter-in-place order, not less. The stories I hear of others’ suffering feels almost personal because their stories could
Read MoreWhat is fear? Fear pops up in order to protect us. It’s our own confirmation that we matter to ourselves. The problem is that sometimes fear, though well intentioned, goes too far and becomes destructive. Sometimes we get too lost in the fear that it does more harm than good, and often fear pops up around things that we don’t have control over, thus wasting energy and worrying us needlessly. Fear can be good.
Read MoreI’m sure you all have been reading plenty on COVID-19 including reactions, policies, new findings, and updates. Everything has happened so quickly with this, more quickly than I think anyone could predict, and it all feel surreal. As I write this, our county has issued a shelter-in-place order effective at midnight, meaning that we can only leave our homes for essential activities. No shopping for pleasure, no haircuts or
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