With all this shelter-in-place, work from home, and social distancing it can become easy to let go of your healthy routines. I know that Matt and I have definitely struggled to keep up our routines. We’ve found ourselves waking up later in the mornings, lounging around in pajamas longer than we care to admit, and foregoing our yoga practice, or at least reducing the amount of exercise we get. Isolation is already de-
Read MoreOften times there’s so much groundwork to lay before you reach your goals that it’s easy to get discouraged. Big goals, often require a paradigm shift and paradigm shifts take time and energy. So many people give up right before the finish line, when they are just about to reach their goals, when the hardest part is behind them. Persistence, consistency, and perseverance are easier then you remember that the last thing to grow on a tree i
Read MoreI’m a firm believer that everything is connected. How we do one thing is how we do all things. Thus, you can’t strive to be successful in one area of your life, without cleaning up the other areas. We can’t expect to prosper in life if we aren’t caring for our minds, or our relationship, or if we are treating our bodies poorly. Above, are 13 habits that I believe are important for a full, prosperous life. Hope you enjoy : )
Read MoreI was listening to a Podcast this weekend by Dean Grazioso on success. Dean offered a new perspective on the road to success. He explained most people make the mistake of thinking there’s one big secret to success. Often, success is made up of many small things which include building positive habits, breaking down limiting beliefs, and letting go of obligations or responsibilities which don’t serve you. He used the
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