6 tips for maintaining your health through the COVID-19 crisis
With all this shelter-in-place, work from home, and social distancing it can become easy to let go of your healthy routines. I know that Matt and I have definitely struggled to keep up our routines. We’ve found ourselves waking up later in the mornings, lounging around in pajamas longer than we care to admit, and foregoing our yoga practice, or at least reducing the amount of exercise we get. Isolation is already de-energizing enough but when we let our structure and routine lapse too, it’s a perfect recipe for lowered mood, energy, and morale.
Below are some tips for maintaining health mind body and spirit through this unique time:
Stick to your routines as much as possible. Set your alarm, get out of bed, wash your face, make breakfast and get dressed. If you were typically a morning exerciser, stick to that schedule as much as possible. Routines and structure hold us together, give us a sense of control and predictability which is something we could all use more of right now. When we let our routines and structure slip during a time of uncertainty, it serves to only enhance our sense of powerlessness and disorientation so stick to your routines and give yourself structure even if it means creating new routines and new schedules.
Open the windows and let in fresh air. With all of us being cooped up in our houses, fresh air has never been more of a commodity. Weather permitting, opening the widows every morning to allow fresh air into the home can make a world of difference, especially when coupled with sticking to your normal morning routine.
Exercise. We need to move our bodies. I always feel better, less stressed, a greater sense of peace, and in control after I exercise. You won’t regret it either, I promise, and it will only serve to decrease your anxiety and bring yourself back down to a state of balance. If possible, go for walks around your neighborhood (we have to walk the dog twice/day) and check out the plethora of online yoga and fitness videos. Check out my list of favorite YouTube yoga channels here.
Talk more with friends and family. Call your loved ones, Skype or Facetime or Zoom with friends. Matt and I have done yoga with our yoga friends over Zoom and it was so much fun. You could even have morning coffee or happy hour with friends via one of the online video chat services and while it’s not the same thing as being with friends in person, I promise it will lift your spirits and give you a greater sense of connection. I find that I’m talking with my parents more often, not less.
Limit the news. Yes, it’s important to be informed, but watching and reading too much news right now can be destructive to your emotional state. Limit exposure to the news to 1-2 times/day so that you have a sense of control over how much bad news you’re consuming and defined times when you know you won’t have to worry about exposure to it.
Enjoy the simple pleasures. There is still so much we are able to enjoy. Take time everyday to curate and enjoy simple pleasures whether that’s an early morning walk with your dog, or a beautiful cup of coffee. Taking time to focus on pleasure throughout your day can help to counteract the fear and uncertainty that seems to be an undercurrent in our society right now. Focusing on pleasures tells your brain that those positive things are important, thus giving more weight to them than the negative things. Train your brain to focus on and magnify the positive.
These are all tips that I’ve discovered through personal experience. As mentioned above, Matt and I realized that we had let our routines slip, and it left us feeling more disoriented and less motivated. We have begun to practice the above tips and have noticed a big difference in our mood, energy, motivation, and productivity. Hope these tips are helpful for you as well.