8 Ways to connect with the Self
Now, more than ever, it’s apparent how important that relationship is that we have with our Self. Right now, we have less distractions, less entertainment. We have more time with ourselves than we may have ever had. It’s a perfect opportunity to cultivate the relationship with the Self, and to strengthen the connection you have with your intuition. Below are a few ideas on how to connect with the self:
Journal- Writing down your thoughts, fears, hopes, emotions, or wishes can be an amazing way to connect with your true self. When you begin to put words onto paper, you might be surprised by what comes out. Sitting down to journal is an invitation for something we hold inside to come forth.
Meditation- Meditation is a time of quiet grounded connection. Closing the eyes helps to direct our attention inward and minimize the distractions from visual stimuli. Meditation also helps to calm the brain and switch us into a different brain wave mode in which our intuition is more easily accessed.
Art/Creative work- Any type of creative work invites something from within to come out. There are so many sides and parts to us and spending time with the part of us that is creative can be so rewarding. Allowing yourself to be creative is an act of self-love, and a way to nurture yourself because it feels good to be creative.
Long hikes or walks alone- Some of my best thinking is done when I’m walking. When you walk alone, you have an opportunity to be alone with your thoughts, and the gentle movement of walking can help to keep our nervous system calm enough to acknowledge and process things we might not normally feel safe enough to process. Long walks or hikes are a great way to connect with the Self.
Time in nature- The brain does really good things when surrounded by nature. Nature has a grounding impact on us, and it can help to remind us of what’s truly important and who we truly are. Cities, malls, and electronics can take us away from who we truly are but nature doesn’t try to compete for our attention. Whenever I need to reconnect with myself, I get out in nature and it always helps.
Yoga- Moving and breathing does something special to the mind body and spirit. When you move mindfully paired with deep breathing, not only does the nervous system calm down, but the mind can become quiet enough to listen to whatever it is we need to hear from ourselves. I recommend doing some gentle yoga without distractions such as music or media. Learn the sun salutations and then practice them on your own with only the sounds of your breath to be your soundtrack.
Practice self-compassion- Treat yourself with kindness and love and the Self will feel safe enough to begin emerging. When we mistreat ourselves, or when we don’t meet our own needs, the self quiets down. Do kind things for yourself. Practice self-care. Pamper yourself, or simply make choices which honor your needs and emotions, and you’ll begin to build strength in your relationship with your Self.
Eat and drink to nourish your body. What you put into your body makes a difference. Food can dull our senses or strengthen them. High fructose corn syrup, refined sugars, highly processed foods or vegetables full of pesticides only serve to drain us of our vitality over time. Feeding your body with nourishing foods and water is one form or self-compassion. As you start to nourish yourself, the Self can become stronger and sharper so begin to practice intention as you choose the foods and beverages you partake in.
Again, this time is an opportunity to build and strengthen the relationship we have with ourselves. Don’t waste it. The relationship we have with the Self is the foundation for all other relationships, so there’s no better direction to direct your energy than within.