5 Journal Prompts for Personal Growth

Writing something down let’s your subconscious know the thoughts that have been written are more important than the rest you’ll think during the day. Thus, journaling can be a way to train your brain and make personal changes. This is why I’m a big proponent of journaling. I personally have gained so much insight about my own internal process through journaling. Sometimes, I’ve free flowed my thoughts out onto paper, other times I’ve written about specific subjects. At the very least, journaling is an amazing opportunity for reflection and personal growth. Sometimes it helps to have specific journal prompts to promote that self-reflection. Below are 5 journal prompts for personal growth:

  1. What gave you energy today?

    What drained you of energy today?

    What did you learn?

    This prompt is best done at the end of the day. When asking what gave and drained you of energy, consider the entirety of your experience including certain thoughts, emotions, relationships, environments, fears, and interactions. Over time, you’ll notice patterns, and hopefully begin adding more of what gives you energy into your life while minimizing what drains you of energy.

  2. What do you want more of in your life from today?

    What do you want less of in your life today?

    This journal prompt is similar to #1, but a bit more concise. It’s really about reflecting on and being intentional about what you want more of and less of. Over time if you can increase opportunities for pleasure or fulfillment, and decrease that which doesn’t serve you, you will build a happier, richer life.

  3. What are the main lessons I learned today?

    How can I put those lessons into practice tomorrow?

    Every day, every difficulty is an opportunity to learn something new. Too often, we only see the negative in the hard moments, but if we train our brain to look for the lessons in life, we will grow and evolve at a much faster rate. Looking at difficulties as lessons also helps to change the way we relate to hardships.

  4. What do I want to do today?

    How do I want to be today?

    This prompt is obviously better for a morning journal. The first question is related to goals, productivity, and action. The second question, however is related to being. The second question could include how do you want to feel, and what type of person do you want to be. Do you want to go through your day with an open heart, be a good mother, spread joy, or practice patience? This is where you get to set those intentions.

  5. What do you have to be grateful for today?

    This last prompt is about gratitude. It could be written morning or evening, but taking time to train your brain to focus on gratitude helps shift your brain into a more positive state. Make sure you aren’t writing the same things down everyday (e.g. my house, my dog, my husband). Take time to think of things that are specific to that day (e.g. the morning light streaming into my window, or the conversation I had with my sister).

Try out one or all of these prompts and see which you resonate with the most. The point is just to be utilizing some intention or direction to make your journaling more effective at promoting personal growth. Find a time to sit down with your journal and pen, and make it a special ritual. You might play music, or have a special drink (e.g. tea or coffee), light a candle or diffuse some essential oil. The point is to honor and respect your journal time. Happy writing everyone.