simple pleasure of the week: seeing your loved ones happy
My dad has been having some health issues since April, and it’s been a long healing process for him along with some major life changes. Going through all of those changes in the later stage of your life would be hard for anyone, and it has been hard for him. It has been hard for us as well. Earlier in the week Matt and I went up to visit him and for the first time since April, he seemed truly happy and settled. When you love someone, you want to see them happy. When they suffer, you suffer and when they’re happy, regardless of what’s going on in your own life, you feel just a little bit happier too. It’s a good reminder that if we can focus on making ourselves happy, our happiness spreads to those we love. Seeing your loved one’s happy is this week’s simple pleasure. Happiness is contagious, whether it’s your dog, your child, your significant other, a parent or a grandparent, seeing your loved ones happy makes you happy. Happy Weekend!