the honey pat

Ever heard of putting honey on your face to fight wrinkles and acne? I hadn't either until I read Jeanne Rose's Herbal Body Book. It is such a simple and natural remedy for anyone to use, men/women, young/old. It really is great for any skin type. I have been using this method a couple times a week and my skin feels smoother and brighter.


  • honey :)

How to:

Dip your fingers into a little bit of honey and apply it to your clean, dry face in a circular motion. Once you have applied it all over or to just problem areas, start patting it down with your fingertips. Do this until the honey gets so tacky you can barely pull your fingers away. Now, just rinse your face and you are good to go!

the honey pat via

Haven't won you over yet?! I think Jeanne Rose says it best in her book, "Honey is a natural rejuvenator and humectant and leaves your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Skin ages not because it loses its ability to hold oil, but because it loses its ability to retain moisture. Honey is a natural hydrator, that is, it seems to have the capacity to maintain or restore the normal proportion of water in the skin. The honey pat feels smooth and leaves the skin lightly tight and firm with a warm feeling and light, pleasant smell. Because the honey is acid, it helps rid the face of blemishes and blackheads."

You can buy her book here.

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