13 types of rest

We all need to rest. Luckily, there are many ways to rest, and knowing which type of rest you need is important. Sometimes I need to laugh, sometimes I need quiet, or time out in nature, whereas other times I just want to be taken care of or pampered. Just as there are many ways we can be drained of our energy, there are many ways we can be recharged. Make sure you have at least one type of rest each day for

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Mindful Minute: softening the face

We all hold so much tension in our faces, and most of the time we aren’t even aware of it. Something that I’ve been doing recently, during my meditations is to sit down, and for the first minute to breath deeply, and simply relax the muscles in my face, starting with the forehead, moving down to the brow, softening the eyelids, relaxing the jaw and mouth and tongue. Once I’ve relaxed my face, I notice a palpable shift in my

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A lesson in humility and surrender

I talk a lot on here about intention, and focusing on what we do have control over. We always have some sort of control, even if it’s only control over our reactions, control over our thoughts, control over how we choose to treat others, the attitudes we have, and the stories we tell ourselves about what’s going on. There’s so much we don’t have control over in life, and yet, I think the more intentional a person is, the

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Weekend Inspo

What we do means nothing when you take away everybody else. If we lived on a planet alone, so much of life would lose it’s meaning. All of our striving, and purpose and intention would essentially become meaningless. Life truly is about sharing what we create whether that’s about the Self we create through personal growth, the ideas we have to share with others, or life experiences we create. We need to share in

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Beautiful practices to make 2020 even better

New Year’s resolutions so often include goals for making changes we think we should make, but rarely take the time to think about what will make our lives richer, happier, a little more beautiful, a little more meaningful, a little more enjoyed, a little more lived. Too often we focus on the results we want such as “I want to make money”, or “I want to lose weight” without focusing on the actions themselves that will take

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Simple pleasure of the week: treating the everyday like it's special

We all have our “special” things, whether it be a fancy piece of clothing or jewelry, special tableware or glasses that we only use during special times. This week’s simple pleasure is all about using those special items to make the everyday a little more meaningful and a little more magical. Pick days to wear your special clothes. Get dressed up to go out to the movies, eat on fancy tableware and drink (even water) out

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from our family to yours. It’s my hope that your Christmas is filled with family, and presence, and connection. Take time to enjoy the day, the presents, the presence, the music, the food, and the family. Merry Christmas!

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Weekend Inspo

I can’t tell you how many times things have happened and I wondered “why me”. I have all to often, presumed to know the nature of events, believing they were a negative in my life, only to later realize those events cleared the path for something wonderful to happen. Not all storms come to disrupt your life, even though it can sometimes feel that way. Sometimes storms come to clear the path, making way for

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The purpose of desire

As we get closer and closer to the new year, I’ve been thinking a lot about New Year’s resolutions and goals, and desires. We all have desires. It is human nature to desire, to have never ending desires in fact. Once one desire is satisfied, our mind finds another desire to lock onto, another goal to move towards. This is both good and bad. In some instances, the way we can relate to desires might prevent us from feeling

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Simple pleasure of the week: quiet moments

This is probably the busiest time of the year. With Christmas shopping, and Santa, and holiday parties, there’s so much to do. This is the time when we need quiet moments, down time and self-care the most. Whether you wake up 30 minutes early before the rest of the house is awake, or steal a few moments in the middle of the day, quiet moments are necessary. Take some time whenever you can. Steal some moments

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How to harness the moon's power in 2020

Humans have always lived their lives according to the moon cycle. Farmers planted and harvested by the moon, buddhists practice extra spiritual reflection on full moon days, ashtanga yogis take rest during full and new moons, and many cultures still practice ceremonies according to the moon cycle to this day. The word "lunatic" came from the belief that the full moon induced mood swings and enhanced emotions.

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