Is resistance preventing you from enjoying the present?

For those of you who don’t know, I practice a type of yoga called ashtanga yoga. It’s a set series of postures in a specific order, so that every time you practice, you work on the same postures. It’s a very rigorous, challenging practice, and there’s always something to work on. The thing I love about practicing a set series is that, because the postures stay the same, I’m able to notice the changes in myself from day-to-day. Sometimes it’s a physical

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Weekend Inspo

Often times there’s so much groundwork to lay before you reach your goals that it’s easy to get discouraged. Big goals, often require a paradigm shift and paradigm shifts take time and energy. So many people give up right before the finish line, when they are just about to reach their goals, when the hardest part is behind them. Persistence, consistency, and perseverance are easier then you remember that the last thing to grow on a tree i

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One simple tool to harness the law of attraction

Contrast lists have been a game-changer for Matt and I. We have been making them in the mornings for various aspects of our lives as a way of clarifying goals, and providing something positive and productive for us to place our mental and emotional energy on. Contrast lists can also be extremely helpful in shifting you out of a negative mindset. According to law of attraction, we attract whatever we place our energy on. The problem is we tend to

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New moon rituals for joy and abundance

Today is a new moon day. New moons symbolize the beginning of a lunar cycle. Farmers often planted on new moon days. They are a time for new beginnings, for attracting what you want into your life. New moons occur when the sun and moon are aligned with the earth, supposedly providing a burst of energy. New moon days are a perfect time to set goals, begin projects, and meditate on what you want your life to look

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Peanut butter crunch squares

Matt and I were just getting in line at a local health food store behind a group of teenagers incredibly excited to buy something in a tub. When we inquired as to what they were buying they offered for us to try one of the peanut butter crunch bar bites in the tub, and we too became hooked. It was always a decadent treat that we enjoyed until the raw food chef moved out of town, taking all her goodies along with her. It

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Weekend Inspo

When we’re motivated, excited and enthusiastic, we can get so much done. There’s a fire behind our actions when we tackle something with motivation. The problem with motivation is it’s hard to sustain at a high level. That’s where discipline comes into the picture. Discipline helps you maintain your effort so that you’re not always dependent on your moods, motivation, and energy levels. I used to be quite lackadaisical

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13 Habits to help you prosper

I’m a firm believer that everything is connected. How we do one thing is how we do all things. Thus, you can’t strive to be successful in one area of your life, without cleaning up the other areas. We can’t expect to prosper in life if we aren’t caring for our minds, or our relationship, or if we are treating our bodies poorly. Above, are 13 habits that I believe are important for a full, prosperous life. Hope you enjoy : )

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Simple pleasure of the week: unusually warm days

Over here on the California coast, we get our warm weather in the early fall. Today we had an unusually warm day, and I happened to have the day off from work. We did yoga, had coffee outside in a garden, took the dog to the beach, and then ended the night with a walk along the ocean. Everything was a bit more special because it was an unusually warm day and it reminds me how much of an influence the weather

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11 Things you have control over

We love to feel like we’re in control, but when we step back and look at life, there’s so much we don’t have control over. What I’ve noticed when things seem to be going wrong, is that I tend to focus on what I don’t have control over which is essentially wasted energy. Placing energy and attention on what you do have control over can make all the difference. Below is a list of 11 things you have control over:

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Weekend Inspo

Learning is what makes life worth living, and as we learn more, we change, and as we change, our lives change. As we grown, our lives grow. I’m always improving myself, and my life. As long as I’m alive, I wish to continue to learn how to live better. As long as you live, keep learning how to live. Happy Weekend!

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Simple pleasure of the week: mid day naps

A nap in the middle of the day used to be standard practice when we were little but now, it’s such a luxury. If you’re a parent, it’s even more of a luxury. There’s something nice about having the abundance of time to doze off mid day, resting your body and your mind. I’ve gotten into the habit during one weekend day of starting the day with yoga, cleaning the house, and then reading/napping while Matt’s at work. It’s such a

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