Is there anything better than coming home from a long day at work, taking your shoes and socks off, getting out of your work clothes, and changing into something comfy and cozy? Not only is this ritual a matter of comfort, but it’s also symbolic of an energy shift towards relaxation. Personally, I can’t wait to change out of my work clothes when I get home. It’s the first thing I do after I greet my husband and my
Read MoreHi all. Matt and I are taking a much needed vacation in Joshua Tree National Park, and Palm Springs. We start out our week-long trip with 4 days on a ranch near Joshua Tree, in the desert. We plan on hiking a ton, watching the stars at night, and enjoying the desert scenery. The last few days will be spent in Palm Springs relaxing at a nice resort. Regular blog posts will resume in two short days on Friday. We hope to
Read MoreThis is so true! When I was younger I was much more self-righteous. I thought I knew the “right” way to live. My reasoning seemed so logical in my own head that I failed to realize how everyone has their own path. What’s right for one person, might not be the right fit for another. Just as there are many modes of transportation, there are many roads on the way to a happy and fulfilling life. Don’t be afraid to march to the
Read MoreI’m always looking for food inspiration and there are a few blogs that are go-to’s for healthy but delicious meal ideas. Below are my 5 favorite online sources for recipe inspiration. All of these blogs focus more on healthy meals and have so many great recipes! Enjoy:
Read MoreFear is not the enemy. Fear is a natural part of life, something that will always be with us, but when we change our behavior because of fear, fear grows. Don’t let fear stop you from doing what you’re meant to do, or from what you know to be right. Bravery wouldn’t exist without fear. Happy Weekend!
Read MoreI am typically a great sleeper. Once I fall asleep, I typically stay asleep until morning and wake up feeling recharged and refreshed. In college I was always the first one to fall asleep during movie nights, wrapped in my blanket. Last night, however I had a rough night. I woke up for almost 3 hours in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep. This is out of the norm for me, and my hope is that tonight I’ll get a
Read MoreBelow is just a little weekend inspo for you all. I tend to love all things created by Paulo Coelho and the below manifesto is no exception. Happy Weekend All:
Read MoreThere are so many things that we do, myself included, that are a waste of time. I worry about things I have no control over and I’m a people pleaser by nature. I’ve also come to realize that both of these habits are mainly a waste of time and energy. This post is a continuation of the 7 things that are a waste of time. See the first part here. Interestingly, after I’d finished this list, I realized the majority of items below relate to
Read MoreHappiness is made up of rejoicing in the small, simple things, the pancake breakfast you had over the weekend, the colors of the sunset, the dinner you had with your family, cuddling with your pet, and good times spent with friends. The big moments take up so little of our lives and yet we all too often find ourselves living for those big moments. If you can recognize the magic in the smallest of things, you life becomes magic. Happy Weekend!
Read MoreChanges are hard to make. By definition, a change is out of your norm and thus out of your comfort zone. Changes fall out of our normal behavioral patterns and thus take extra energy to make. Some changes are harder than others, but the truth is that all changes are harder than continuing to do what we’ve been doing, what feels comfortable, and what has become automatic. I literally work with patients all day,
Read MoreMy dad has been having some health issues since April, and it’s been a long healing process for him along with some major life changes. Going through all of those changes in the later stage of your life would be hard for anyone, and it has been hard for him. It has been hard for us as well. Earlier in the week Matt and I went up to visit him and for the first time since April, he seemed truly happy and settled. When you love someone, you
Read MoreI really need to get better about posting playlists! For Christmas Matt got me a bluetooth speaker so I have been listening to music while I shower and get ready in the mornings, and discovering so many new songs because of it. We have accumulated quite an eclectic mix of music this fall and winter, but all of the songs on our Winter playlist are so so good. Also, I feel like a lot of these songs are random gems, so it’s my hope
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