I can’t believe I haven’t thought of this simple pleasure until now! Is there anything better than peeling out of your work clothes, and slipping into pajamas or loungewear after a long day? There’s something symbolic about it really, as though it signifies the change of energy and intention as you get ready to wind down and relax. I personally change out of my work clothes as soon as I get home, before I do anything else. Even
Read MoreThank goodness the trees don’t have human consciousness, or they would go through a variety of fears, and insecurities, as they lost their leaves. Nature can be an amazing teacher. All of nature goes through change and transformation. Naturally there are periods of darkness in nature, where night literally brings darkness, or winter promotes hibernation. However, because nature doesn’t have
Read MoreThis is the time to learn the art of slow living. It’s never been easier to reduce the busyness, focus on what’s truly important, and spend your time in deep connection with whatever it is you’re doing and whoever it is you’re doing it with. The art of slow living is about cutting out all the excess that doesn’t really contribute to your quality of life. It’s about deepening the connection to what does contribute to your life, slowing down
Read MoreI was reviewing an old post on 9 principles for healthy relationships and I thought how nice it would be to write a post on principles for healthy relationships with the self. Some of the principles overlap and some are unique when you are building a relationship with the self. Right now, more than ever, our relationship with our Self is so important. We have less distractions to turn to, and thus our relationship with our Self is
Read MoreThings truly are best when they’re shared. The meaningful experiences and joys in life would not be as meaningful if we had nobody to share them with. I would argue that if we lived in total isolation, nothing would be meaningful. The shared experiences we have with others is what gives our life meaning. Life is about creating and living experiences that are worth sharing. Happy Weekend!
Read MoreNow, more than ever, it’s apparent how important that relationship is that we have with our Self. Right now, we have less distractions, less entertainment. We have more time with ourselves than we may have ever had. It’s a perfect opportunity to cultivate the relationship with the Self, and to strengthen the connection you have with your intuition. Below are a few ideas on how to connect with the self:
Read MoreEven though we are all sheltering in place, there are still so many simple pleasures to enjoy. Today we went for a long walk with the dog and Matt stopped along the way to get me a Thai iced tea. I drank my tea as we walked and it was such a lovely treat. It was a simple pleasure. It got me thinking about all the simple pleasures we can be enjoying right now like breaks from FOMO, naps, finding new movies and shows to
Read MoreI must admit that Matt and I have begun to run out of ideas for at home activities we can do during this shelter in place order. Most things take place online since we can’t visit stores and social activities are off the table. Above are 15 ideas for activities that are at least allowed in our county. I do believe that we can continue to share beautiful experiences with our families and friends even during this time, it just takes
Read MoreMake your heart the most beautiful thing about you. Be kind. Spread love. Choose how you want to react. Our hearts and our minds are just about the only things we can control. We can control our reactions. We can control how we treat people and whether we spread joy or sorrow. Make your heart the most beautiful thing about you. Happy Weekend!
Read MoreWith all this shelter-in-place, work from home, and social distancing it can become easy to let go of your healthy routines. I know that Matt and I have definitely struggled to keep up our routines. We’ve found ourselves waking up later in the mornings, lounging around in pajamas longer than we care to admit, and foregoing our yoga practice, or at least reducing the amount of exercise we get. Isolation is already de-
Read MoreWith COVID-19, and all of the mandatory restrictions that come along with it, everyone in this country is sharing a common experience. We are all affected. All of our lives have been altered in some incredibly impactful way. I find myself feeling more connected to others right now, even with this shelter-in-place order, not less. The stories I hear of others’ suffering feels almost personal because their stories could
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